Finance : Definition, Objectives and Functions in the Company



Finance – In a company, there are certainly several employees who have an important role related to the financial management of the company. The employee is known as finance, where the task of finance requires high accuracy, because it is related to the calculation of money owned by the company.

Finance or finance staff itself, is a job that is sought after by graduates of economics. Apart from the fact that the salary offer is attractive and also works indoors and only deals with computers and numbers without the need to go to the field much.

Definition of Finance

When viewed in terms of language, finance comes from English which means finance. Meanwhile, in terms of terms, finance is a science related to how to manage money so that its condition is always stable and there are no disadvantages or advantages.

Meanwhile, when referring to the profession, finance is a job related to financial management and management in a company. Thus, they work to monitor the entry and exit of the company’s funds, as well as improve the allocation of these funds and their financial system in case of obstacles.

Functions and Purpose

As financial managers, of course, they have their own functions and goals for the company. Among the most common functions among them

Raising Company Funds

In a company, there will be many operational activities that require funds, so they must always be available. To meet these needs, employees of the financial department function to collect funds from the company, either from income, or loans to banks.

Disbursing Funds

Disbursing company funds is one of the tasks that must be done selectively. If funds are needed for things that do not have much effect on the progress of the company, then finance must be able to withstand it.

Managing Profits

In order for the company to be more advanced, the company’s profits cannot be used for stagnant things. This is where the important function of a financial employee, in order to be able to think creatively in advancing the company by managing the profits obtained.

File a Policy

The most important function of a financer is to make reports related to policies that will be taken to stabilize finances. In addition, they must be good at communicating with the company’s leadership and convincing them to have the policy approved.